Humans Of CIS

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Human Of CIS

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Humans Of CIS

CIS community resonates with the young learning minds and strives to create a community where there is an equal partnership between the parents and the teachers. Creating a learning environment that can be cherished and fondly remembered is our goal at CIS.

The community at CIS school thrives in unity in diversity were the students from various backgrounds come together and have a collaborative learning experiences.

Below are few insights and experiences shared by the students with respect to their learning experiences and beyond the classroom experiences at CIS. Hope you have fun reading it.

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Speaking of the school initiate a peaceful smile on my face because of the eco friendly environment the School has created especially for us and also the sustainability principles they imbibe in each of the student is really remarkable. Whenever I approach my teacher with my doubts, my doubts are cleared by giving the real time examples that help me remember the concepts very vividly. At the community of CIS my educational needs a nurtured with the excellent knowledge that my educators possess and also the environment gives me various opportunities to explore the learning beyond the classroom.


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I have made friends who come from different backgrounds and this is something which is not usually found in the other mainstream schools. I am also encouraged to voice out my opinions without any hesitation. My opinions are taken considerably as a constructive learning. My doubts are never belittled and are cleared by my teachers with the audio-visual aids and also the teaching tools. I also participate in the extracurricular activities which broaden my creativity that helps me built my self-confidence.


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My creativity is nurtured with the professional guidance I get in this community. There is a separate music studio and an art studio where I am given the opportunity to start my own band of Music and give the stage performances that I have always dreamt of. It is made sure that I don’t miss on the academic activities as well. A clear schedule and clear planning is done by my teachers and my masters so a balance is created that help me not to miss out on my Academics and also my art classes.



In this serene environment and the collaborative learning techniques, I get to socialize with the students from the various backgrounds. It helps me understand that how the world can be so different and also can be so same. The community at CIS welcomes my thinking and my opinions with the open mind making my sense of thoughts feel valid. My learning requirements are also met with the most advanced technical equipments that are available in the classrooms our internationally certified Labs are places where we can explore the concepts with the real time applications.


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Education in CIS community is not just bound to the classrooms it is taken beyond the classrooms. Creating an environment where the students can relish the greenery around the school and also understand that the education is not only about what is in the books but it is also what is around us. Understanding the different perspectives of the students and welcoming the doubts without belittling their opinions is what sets us apart compared to the rest of schools.


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I am guided by my teachers at every moment when I feel difficult in processing and understanding certain concepts. We are given the opportunity to learn via audio visual media where teachers educate us taking real time examples and also by providing Educational videos and the podcast that help us grab the knowledge that is beyond the text books. Hence it is not just what is there in the books it is how we are connecting to the knowledge beyond the papers and also beyond the numbers.


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The vibrant greenery surrounding the school amuses me with the creation of the god. My education in this community is enhanced with the experiential learning techniques used by my teachers. The collaborative space i.e. the cafe space allows me to socialize with the friends from diverse backgrounds and also helps me in understanding their traditions and culture which gives me an opportunity to respect the diversity and also connect me to my roots which is very important because our country is rich in culture and heritage.


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The school is where my educational needs are nurtured with the exceptional guidance from my teachers who are also my mentors. Their guidance empowers me with the much needed self-confidence to clear my tests with the ease considering the examples that are given by considering the real-time applications. The recreational area gives me an opportunity to refresh my sense of learning by having a break from the studies and connecting with the refreshing nature that we are surrounded with. I feel safe and secure in the CIS community with the safety features and the drills that are conducted regularly to ensure the safety protocols are met in the school.


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CIS School has always inspired me to become a better version of myself, by providing me with the world class opportunities to nurture my educational needs. My creativity feels home when I enter the arena of the art classes and my masters who have the exceptional knowledge on the art impart the learning of art with the much needed perfection. My school empowers me by providing the opportunities to learn and grow. Swimming has been my passion since the young and I am provided with the opportunity to pursue my passion with the professional swimming classes held at CIS School.



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